Blogging- A New Experience

Derek Wong
3 min readSep 30, 2019
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

So this article is one of those “new post, who dis” kind of article, but I would like to say more about the journey that has led me to blogging and, by extension, this site.

I am the type of person who has a million ideas but never actually writes them down due to a multitude of factors. Maybe I think an idea is too mundane or not unique. Maybe I just brushed it off while frantically doing my physics homework. Maybe I’ve thought long and hard about it, but something distracted me from putting pen (or pencil, usually) to paper. Whatever the case, there are a ton of ideas that will sadly never see the light of day because of my carelessness.

I’ve always toyed around with the idea of blogs. Usually, my self-doubt wins over my ambitions and I would think things like: “Well, no one’s going to read this entry because there are infinitely many other blog posts that would interest them more than a (insert age number, under 18, here)-year-old’s mind and rants and word vomits.

But blogs have always intrigued me. I find myself sometimes spending hours on a blog about music or poetry instead of doing my homework. It’s interesting to see the courage and the effort people put in making their blog, well, theirs. They turn it into something that is a platform for them to express all kind of ideas, start conversations, or maybe just share a human experience.

In the absence of blogs, I write. I generally write poetry (more often than not in free-form), and poems had become my default method to convey my heart’s feelings. Sometimes, if I feel that a poem is good enough, I’d submit it to competition, hoping that someone would recognize my work, my emotions, my time. The problem was that I spent too much time deciding whether something was worthy to share and not enough time actually sharing them. The consequences, therefore, become no recognitions. Not because my ideas were bad, but because I never gave a chance to some of my creations.

Today, one of my close friends from school has introduced me to her blog. I was shocked that she even had one the first place but seeing that she, a student that was younger than me, was brave enough to share her thoughts with the world, I could not help but feel motivated in starting one.

So, in celebration of the creation of this blog, I will make a promise to myself: a promise that if I have some kind of idea about anything, I have to write it down. With regards to sharing my ideas, I promise to take more chances with my work and not let my fears take creative control. If I honor this promise, I honor my own creativity.

Of course, as a high school student, I have other things jammed into my schedule, but I also promise to write on here as much as I logistically can. This is the one vow that I foresee myself breaking because schoolwork can sometimes take an emotional toll on someone, but I have nevertheless made it on my first blog entry ever.

Thank you for reading through this. If you made it this far, I want to say thank you for your support. Even if you don’t comment or “clap” this article, I want you, the reader, to know that from the bottom of my 16-year-old heart, I appreciate your tie out of your busy life to fulfill a youngster’s dream.


I can be contacted by email at If you have any questions, inquiries, or suggestions, don’t hesitate in contacting me. I read all emails, even if I don’t reply to them (though 99% of the time I will reply). Thanks again and have a lovely day, wherever you are on this planet.




Derek Wong

A college freshman from the University of Pennsylvania who loves writing about music and other stuff. You can contact me at: